New Normal.png

I for one am sick and tired of conflicting Covid-19 information and advice depending entirely on which TV channel you are watching!

Everyone is talking about a second phase but assumes that the first wave is over and it certainly isn’t. Esteemed scientists are not entirely in agreement.

If you want to return to work and open up immediately, then you are a Republican Trump lover and if you think we should remain locked down, then you must be a Democrat! What a crock of shit!

Reading between the lines and assuming you have access to a brain cell, it is clear that we have no cure for this virus and any vaccine is very many months away. (And that’s assuming you are medically safe to have vaccinations and many are not). Consequently, as soon as the mass morons feel they can rush back to the movie theaters, bars, restaurants and middle plane seats, then those of us possessing some of the aforementioned brain cells, are going to contract the virus as part of the same first wave, unless we are smart enough to remain primarily safer-at-home.

Sadly, the political leaders the world over are balancing the ‘can we afford to stay closed’ position with ‘can our hospitals cope with more patients’ position? In short, ‘what is the point in keeping people safe to re-enter a society that is broke and whose governments can’t possibly afford to sustain them’?

So whatever they say is both right and wrong depending which channel you choose to get your propaganda from.

The world has changed and as evolving human beings, well some of us anyway, we must learn to adapt and find a new normal. It give me no pleasure whatsoever to state that the world has changed but it has, and probably the old normal will not be seen again.

For example, who would want to be a commercial real estate owner right now when the majority of the workforce has proven that it does not need to commute for hours to an expensive office when they are much more productive at home. Sure, human interaction in the workplace is important but can happen at a shared location on a weekly basis and certainly does not need to be daily.

And as far as the “V’ shape recovery is concerned, I call bullshit! Again, just political hyperbole designed to motivate an electorate ahead of an election. But that certainly doesn’t mean it’s acceptable to remain locked up just so the economy cannot recover and pretend that Dumb Joe Biden can possibly improve anything in the 20 minutes a day he is awake and can accurately read from a tele-prompter. And how many business will have survived to allow for this V-shape recovery? Restaurants, bars, travel companies, shopping malls?

Sorry to shatter your wishful thinking about a swift return to normal but our ancestors suffered during wars, for years and not months, so suck it up, (not covid droplets), and find a way to act responsibly - it’s called evolution!


