COVID 19 - a reality check



So much said, written and experienced about this Corona Virus and rightly so, given how much we we are all suffering.

The primary outrage is obviously the tragic loss of life and all caused by disgusting human behavior. There are many other outrages too:

  • Politicians using the pandemic to make political capital. Obviously, opposition parties have always avoided missing any opportunity to criticize incumbents, especially in an election year in the USA, but is there no limit to the indecency shown by many right now? After all, there have been 119,000 global deaths at the time of writing! It goes without saying that mistakes have been made. After all, there’s never been anything on this scale that's hit the globe like this before and so mistakes are unavoidable, especially with so much misinformation.

  • And misinformation is another outrage. Have there been 119,000 deaths? What if someone dies in hospital with heart failure or pneumonia but also tests positive for Covid-19, how is that classified? How many are over 80 years of age? How many had underlying respiratory issues? How many would have died of annual flu. It seems to me that the death rate in very much lower in reality than being communicated. After all, we all know people who clearly have the virus but are coping just fine at home as thankfully, they don’t need to be hospitalized. Once you add those numbers, the recorded death rate is much much lower. Conversely though, what about those Chinese numbers - does anyone really believe them? 23k deaths in the USA, 17k in Spain, 20k in Italy but only, (sorry to use that word), 3k in China - I wish that were true but don’t believe it for a second!

  • What about ‘experts’ pontificating that they know what the economic recovery will look like. ‘Everyone will be so bored of confinement that they will rush back to their normal behavior as soon as possible. Movie theaters will be full, as will restaurants and gyms.’ That’s what I am hearing about the so-called “V” shape recovery, but will they? Are the masses really that stupid? Are you rushing back to sit on the middle seat of a plane? Do you really need to go to the theater when you can download your movie and watch at home? What’s so great about grocery shopping at the market when it can be delivered to your door? And how many restaurants and gyms will still be in business? Sadly nowhere near as many as a couple of months ago, you can be sure of that! Despite the unquestioned infallibility mentality of the global masses, I predict the recovery will look more like a ’smirk’, a very long “U” curve and not a “V”  especially with tragic unemployment figures.


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Choosing a President - new candidates please!